Network and Discrete Location – Table of Contents

Table of Contents:

 1 Introduction to Location Theory and Models
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Key Questions Addressed by Location Models
1.3 Example Problem Descriptions
1.4 Key Dimensions of Location Problems and Models (new in second edition)
1.5 A Taxonomy of Location Problems and Models (significantly revised in second edition)
1.6 Summary
 2 Review of Linear Programming Problem
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Canonical Form of a Linear Programming Problem
2.3 Constructing the Dual of an LP Problem
2.4 Complementary Slackness and the Relationships Between the Primal and Dual Linear Programming Problems
2.5 Solving a Linear Programming Problem in Excel Model (new in second edition)
2.6 The Transportation Problem (significantly revised in second edition)
2.7 The Shortest Path Problem (significantly revised in second edition)
2.8 The Out-Of-Kilter Flow Algorith
2.9 Integer Programming Problems Models (new in second edition)
2.10 Summary
 3 An overview of Complexity Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Basic Concepts and Notation
3.3 Example Computation of an Algorithm’s Complexity
3.4 The Classes P and NP (and NP-hard and NP-complete)
3.5 Summary
 4 Covering Problems
4.1 Introduction and the Notion of Coverage
4.2 The Set Covering Model
4.3 Applications of the Set Covering Model
4.4 Variants of the Set Covering Location Model
4.5 The Maximum Covering Location Model
4.6 An Interesting Model Property or It Ain’t Necessarily So Models (new in second edition)
4.7 The Maximum Expected Covering Location Model
4.8 Summary
 5 Center Problems
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Vertex P-Center Formulation
5.3 The Absolute 1- and 2-Center Problems on a Tree
5.4 The Unweighted Vertex P-Center Problem on a General Graph
5.5 The Unweighted Absolute P-Center Problem on a General Graph
5.6 Summary
 6 Median Problems
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Formulation and Properties
6.3 1-Median Problem on a Tree
6.4 Heuristic Algorithms for the P-Median Problem
6.5 An Optimization-Based Lagrangian Algorithm for the P-Median Problem
6.6 Computational Results Using the Heuristic Algorithms and the Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm
6.7 Another Interesting Property or It Still Ain’t Necessarily So Models(new in second edition)
6.8 Summary
 7 Fixed Charge Facility Location Problems
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Uncapacitated Fixed Charge Facility Location Problems
7.3 Capacitated Fixed Charge Facility Location Problems
7.4 Summary
 8 Extensions of Location Problems
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Multiobjective Problems
8.3 Hierarchical Facility Location Problems
8.4 Models of Interacting Facilities
8.5 Multiproduct Flows and Production/Distribution Systems
8.6 Location/Routing Problems
8.7 Hub Location Problems
8.8 Dispersion Models and Models for the Location of Undesirable Facilities
8.9 An Integrated Location-Inventory Model (new in second edition)
8.10 Reliability and Facility Location Modeling (new in second edition)
8.11 Summary
 9 Location Modeling in Perspective
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Planning Process for Facility Location
9.3 Summary
 (Improved notation used throughout the text and new exercises added in most chapters)